3 Reasons to Install a Whole-House Generator in Texas

portable generator.

You know all about power outages in Texas. Extreme weather, power line damage, and rolling blackouts can leave homeowners in the dark and cold in the winter and unbearable heat in the summer.

Although you cannot control Mother Nature or the power grid, you can maintain comfort during a power outage by installing a whole-house generator. Our experienced Generator Authority technicians can recommend equipment that will fit your budget and comfort needs. When the power goes out, you will have peace of mind knowing the lights will stay on in your Fort Worth home.

At Generator Authority, we have built a reputation for exceptional service and quality generator services. We install, maintain, and repair generators for residential and commercial customers. Let us become your go-to company to keep power flowing in your home during an outage.

What the Stats Indicate

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), homeowners throughout the U.S. experienced an average of seven hours of power interruptions in 2021. Texans were without power for 20 hours. In 2022, Texas ranked high among states most affected by power outages.

Last year, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which manages the power grid for more than 26 million customers, said the state’s risk for rolling outages caused by a severe winter storm is at most 16.77 percent this month.

The forecast is 2.81 percent in February assuming normal weather conditions, and at most 14.66 percent if temperatures plummet well below freezing as they did in late December 2022.

Sixteen percent may not seem like a huge number, but it only reflects the risk of rolling blackouts, the power outages ERCOT controls to keep the entire grid from overloading. Storms, high winds, damaged transmission wires and poles, and lightning strikes can take out electrical power in a widespread area, your neighborhood, or a single home.

Why risk your health, safety, and comfort?

How a Whole-House Generator Works

A generator runs on natural gas or propane and does not need electricity. It is connected to your home’s electrical panel and kicks in when it senses that the electricity is out.

A transfer switch disconnects the panel from the utility power and connects it to the generator. When utility power returns, the switch reconnects the panel to utility power and off the generator.

A whole-house generator, called a stand-by generator, permanently sits outside the house on a cement slab or gravel, much like an air conditioner or heat pump.

Benefits of Owning a Generator

You know how inconvenient power outages can be. They also can be costly and even life-threatening.

Consider the danger an outage creates for people who use electric-powered medical devices, such as respirators, power wheelchairs, and home dialysis equipment. Some devices may be battery operated but need re-charging during a prolonged outage.

A whole-house generator gives you peace of mind if you use an electric medical device. Here are three other reasons for installing a generator in your Fort Worth home:

  1. Heat On, Refrigerator Full: You will not discard hundreds of dollars in frozen goods and fresh foods as you might without a generator during an extended power outage. Your refrigerator and freezer will continue running without you needing multiple ice chests.

    Your heat will stay on, keeping you warm and eliminating the possibility of pipes freezing and bursting.
  1. Working at Home: If you are among the millions of Americans who work at home, you know how a power outage can disrupt your livelihood and cost you money. Whether you are a home-based entrepreneur or an employee who must telecommute, you need continuous power. A whole-house generator assures you will have it.
  1. Resale: A whole-house generator can be an attractive feature to home buyers. Zillow, the home buying and selling website, states that many buyers consider flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other natural events when choosing a home. Homes with features that protect against weather disasters often sell for more money.

Keep the Lights on at Your Home

Talk with a Generator Authority expert about installing a whole-house generator in your Fort Worth, TX, home. Call us at 817-984-3600 or request service online.

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